Omits the encoded track field from being sent to the node during updates.
Omits the end time from being sent to the node during updates.
Sets the encoded track to be played. This will override the identifier and track user data if they were previously set.
Update the end time of the track.
Update the filters for the player. Please use setVolume to update the player's volume instead. Setting the volume via filters is float based (1.0f is 100% volume) and takes the time of your buffer size to apply.
Set the identifier on the player. This will override the encoded track and user data if they were previously set.
Update the paused state of the player.
Update the position of the player.
Shortcut for setting the encoded track. This will also send any user-data supplied.
Update the voice state for the player.
IMPORTANT: Only ever use Link.onVoiceServerUpdate to update the voice server as this sets the state of the link to LinkState.CONNECTING
Update the volume of the player. While you could use the filters to set volume as well, do note that that is float based (1.0f is 100% volume) and takes the time of your buffer size to apply. This method updates the volume instantly after the update is sent out.
Shortcut for setting the encoded track to {@code null}. This will also clear the user data.